Indispensable to our mission

To realize our mission, we work together with specialists and top organizations in Europe. These professional partners work with the same drive and precision as Ivy Medical and want to innovate for the benefit as patients and nurses.

Our main clinical partner


Ivy Medical and Radboudumc signed a multi-year collaboration agreement for the development of the Ivy Duo+. The development of the next-generation infusion pump is performed in collaboration with patients, nurses, and other healthcare professionals within Radboudumc.

The orthopedics department will be the first to test the revolutionary pump (in the form of a pilot). Barend, Business Innovator at Radboudumc: ‘The expectation is that patients will move earlier and more during their disease process, and thus recover more quickly.’

There are more expected benefits. “Currently we have two infusion pumps in the hospital, one for volume administration and one for precise administration. This portable infusion is two-in-one’, says Barend. This also means that you can hang two bags on it at the same time. This ensures that you can plan a treatment several hours in advance with two different infusion bags. More pleasant for the patient and this saves time and actions for nurses.”

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Our hospital partners

To develop the Ivy Duo+, we extensively collaborated with several hospitals. These are our main partners
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Our financial partners

Developing the next-generation infusion pump requires sufficient funds. Thanks to our financial partners, we have the funding we need to succeed.
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Our development partners

In the high-tech space, a lot of knowledge and skills are needed to develop succesful products. For this reason, we have gathered many great product development partners.

Curious about our product?

We'd love to come over and show you the Ivy Duo+

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